Smart bulb lamp technology of the future, ON / OFF using wireless

S P C : ideal entry point to feel the sophistication of technologi smart home. Philip manufacturer now makes light bulb that can be in control of the remote, the manufacturer philip give a name to the product is the Philips Hue Wireless Dimming Kit. The bulb consists of a bulb philip Hue Lux can not change the color as well as a switch / remote at a price tag of $ 40. What kind of face bulb made by philip, here below:

Smart bulb lamp technology of the future, ON / OFF using wireless

In other words, the smart Philips Hue bulb Wireless Kit is the first ball that is created by wireless technology. This smart bulb accompanied by a switch / remote control, but the remote / switch on the bulb is still not directly in control of the smartphone, which can be controlled using a smartphone is Philips HUE yet very regrettable is still expensive. However, he still promises sophistication that can not be presented to the light bulb and ordinary switch.

How to install Philips Hue bulb switch Wireless Kit simply by way of posting just switch into the wall or into the wall without having to make a hole in the wall. In the switch Philips Hue Wireless Kit has been in place the pair of ON / OFF button are large, as well as mounted button - another button to adjust the dark and bright light bulb. The button can be removed from the plate so that it becomes essentially a small remote control for all smart bulb that you plug in where you live.

Smart bulb lamp technology of the future, ON / OFF using wireless

This bulb you can combine several philip Hue bulb Lux into a single system that can simultaneously through control switch / remote control. But you need to add a fund of $ 20 in a single bulb. Well, Philip bulb lights can be connected to a wireless network, with the help of Philips Hue Bridge. Once connected it will instantly be transformed into a system Philips Hue as usual, which will be available using the control system as well as compatibility IFTTT smartphone.

Philips Hue lightbulbs Wireless Dimming Kit will be at a price tag of $ 40. If you want a taste of the future technologi Trends Smart Home at your residence, you are not wrong to replace the bulbs in your home with the Philips Hue Wireless Dimming Kit. Good luck,....

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