Adding a magnifying glass (luck) as the camera lens video and photo

S P C : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings ! avid reader, do you know? camera is one that can not be separated from our life at the present time. The camera is in need for bloggers or for which managing youtube to record and take pictures of their experiment.

But for beginners who are struggling in the world of bloggers and youtube does not have an equivalent DSLR cameras, namely cameras that professional to produce good pictures.

Adding a magnifying glass (luck) as the camera lens video / photo

However, on this occasion, I'll try to share some of your loyal readers to the saifulcomelektronik. I've done is add a magnifying glass Tips (luck) as the camera lens video / photo, you are curious how to do? follow and read more articles on this one ....


Before I go, I tell you a little Chronology. Initially I just try - try this experiment. I have Brica DV- H9 HD camera with a resolution of 720 HD display with a 16 mega pixel which is written in the casing of the camera. Usually pixel camera that already has a great will make the picture clear and nice, but it's not.

16 pixel written on the camera casing, can only be used when taking a picture / photo not on when recording video, Just I know after tinkering - tweaking the application at the camera.

I was little bit disappointed, but I realized, because the price of the camera that I bought was USD 1 million alone from, which may be the quality of the camera is equal to the price of USD 1 million pro camera J. Finally, ... .i find tips, ....

Tips to add a magnifying glass (luck) as the camera lens video / photo

Tips in this way is quite simple and easy to hold the camera that we use at least can be utilized for the image of the camera was a little more clearly than before, the way just add LUCK or MAGNIFYING GLASS in front of the camera. Note the picture below.

Adding a magnifying glass (luck) as the camera lens video / photo

Luck that I use is equipped with lights in it, what if the lack of light, the light that is in LUCK can be utilized, in order to obtain maximum image. What if you want to buy Luck like this, a lot of selling in the market at an affordable price.

However, do not necessarily use the luck that has lights to add a magnifying glass Tips (luck) as the camera lens, you can use other luck, in accordance with the camera's focus. Just like when we buy a glass eye, of course, which we bought in accordance with our eyes, as well as the camera, in my estimation.

The light on the luck is only needed when the lack of light alone. Note the picture below results from a camera that I give luck in front of the camera as an additional lens on the camera.

Adding a magnifying glass (luck) as the camera lens video / photo

It's easy to add a magnifying glass open Tips (luck) as the camera lens video / photo? These tips you can try yourself at home only adds LUCK in front of the camera as an image, to great results you stay mengeser luck in front of the camera itself.

I also have set up the video below, the results percobaah I've done. Welcome to watch and hopefully useful to you, what is in the article I wrote this and also the video below.

Up here first to add a magnifying glass Tips (luck) as the camera lens video / photo short, may be useful for you and beneficial also for everyone who reads this article. And forward tips - tips the next more interesting only in


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