S P C E.com : In this time and
in this article, I'll share some of your loyal readers to saifulcomelektronik.com,
while I would sharing or I share with you in this short article is how to
create a simple Joule Thief Voltage , with input 3 to 12 volts it will issue
Output by 220 to 100 volt.
Well, the Joule Voltage thief
I think you already know if you are a little familiar with the world of
electronics. Joule Thief voltage is an electronic device to change tension low
to high tension like UPS. The following image voltage joule thief that I
created by using several components that are fairly simple.
Component in making this
joules sold in the market, if you want to make this tool, you can just buy it
at the store - the electronics store which is nearest to where you live. The
components used in voltage joule thief is.
- Transformer toroid or donut transformer often called, because shape round like donuts,
- NPN transistors with Type C3460
- Resistor 100 Ohm 5 Watt
- Diodes
- Batteries
- Cable taste
If all of the above components
is complete time in the assembly process. Well, this is certainly Joule voltage
can be utilized as an emergency lamp, if the electricity off, then voltage
joule can illuminate your dark atmosphere when the lights die PLN.
Make joule thief voltage is
very easy, but it requires precision in its manufacture or in assembly, that
needs to consider in making this voltage joules in order to succeed is pay
attention to the three legs of the transistor itself, where Base, collector and
emitter do was reversed. If you could reverse it will not succeed in making
this Joule Thief Voltage.
Well, the results would happen
that I have made, Here below joule picture with input voltage of 3 volts, can
turn on the LED light 5 watts, although the light is not so bright, but can
live. The 5 watt LED lights if connecting directly to a 3 volt AA battery LED
would not be alive. Another thing if it has passed a series of joules, LEDs 5
can live.
And 5 watt LED lights lit work
may Bright, what if in the given tension to the input circuit joule more than 3
Volt, as shown below, Joule Voltage given tension by 12 volt, 5 watt LED that
lights up brightly. Surely even this if the LED lights in connecting directly
to the battery 12-volt battery LED certainly can not live. Here the picture
As a generator of high tension
joules of this series, I use a toroid transformer CT output of 15 volts and 220
volts input. or a transformer is known by the name of a donut transformer.
Well, in this joules circuit, the transformer behind me made as a her PLN Input
Output 15 Volt and vice versa as input. The function of the transformer is
tasked to modify or generate high voltage. Here below, the image of the toroid
Then part series of Joule's
are tasked to convert the DC current into AC in the transformer, after the DC
current converted to AC and input of this series have in connecting with 15
volt CT or (Primary) then at 220 Volt (Secondary)will output currents quite
large at 200 to 100 volts. Here below Joule circuit that I have prepared,
simple and easy to understand even if you are not an electronics expert.
Or you could be downloading a
series of Joule's Voltage tipe file.dhc HERE format, this series I created
using DipTrace application, of course, the string of new application can be
open with them. Similarly to the first can I then on the times that Make simple
Joule Thief Voltage, Input 3 to 12 volt, Output 220 to 100 volt, hopefully
simple article in helpful for you and also for everyone.
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