Make a simple Power Supply with output power, 15 volt input, which stable

S P C - Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings loyal readers, Power supply a tool electronic devices needed in terms of electrical energy in the power supplies every electronic appliance device itself, whatever it was kind of electronic. Well, in this occasion too, I'll share some or sharing to you, especially my loyal readers this simple website that or I often call in a word abbreviations (SPC at the beginning of the article on the website this. What does the face of power supply simple that I mentioned? Here Below is a picture KIT power supply already so I created.

Make a simple Power Supply with output power, 15 volt input, which stable

Power supply has some electronic components, the main component of which is 6 capacitors each - each capacitor has μƒ of 4700 μƒ 25v, of course, if it was raised again μƒ and V is better, then the components are others, 4 pieces diode 5404, two resistors 5Ω (Ohm) 3 watts, 1 3 ΩJ 5W resistor, the transistor B817, an IC AN7815, one capacitor and one capacitor karmic 104Z 100μƒ 25v.

Input from power supply KIT is 15 volts AC, as well as output which is issued from the input power supply is at 14 volts. Current of 1 volt is lost upon passing the component - the existing components, but it will not reduce or interfere with the stability of power frequency waves output this supply.

As a source of AC power or transformers to run power supply KIT components I wear transformer that shape round, often called or known as the donut transformer, transformer why many people call a donut? because it resembles the shape of a donut transformer. Here below is a picture of the donut transformer.

Make a simple Power Supply with output power, 15 volt input, which stable

Well, friend SPC loyal readers wherever they are in the archipelago of Indonesia or even the world, if you want to create a simple power supply this, I have prepared a circuit schematic below, please you notice a circuit schematic drawing of power supply my humble carefully if it wants to make.

Make a simple Power Supply with output power, 15 volt input, which stable

If you want to get the original circuit schematic KIT Power Supply this format (.dch), you can download it by clicking HERE, in order to allow the circuit schematic format (.dch) I made it readable on your computer, install the first applications or programs DipTrace on your computer.

If you want to see the video in short, I have prepared the following, hopefully articles and videos below useful for you.

Similarly, first can I sharing or I share with you is how to create a simple power supply with output power, 15 volt input, which stable this one article may be useful for you and beneficial for everyone. Regards, ....


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