Power amplifier, a modified stereo to mono 300 watts to 600 watts

S P C Hello friends - friends loyal readers this time I will share about my power amplifier modifications, which initially stereo inputs tension 300 watts and 24 volts, so that I finish the modification, and little by way replace several components, to be mono 600 watts with input voltage of 60 volts.

Power amplifier, a modified stereo to mono 300 watts to 600 watts

Before I modify some component power amplifier, when turned on and played some music-themed RNB or songs that other, and the volume is still at number 50 using two speakers 12 inches, the transistor end is hot enough when only a few minutes, with tension 24 volt maximum input is still written on the board its PCB.

Well, due to excessive heat and his voice is also not so jarring, I took the initiative to modify the power amplifier, while experiment to get decent results steady in my opinion. After I modified this power amplifier, by converting some of the components, transistors, capacitors, resistors and gave little cable as jumper at the end of the amplifier transistor.

Transformer power amplifier previously only powerful 24 volt 5 ampere only, with capacitor filter (filter) 4 for 4300 nf 35 volts, transistor before BD140 and partner BD139, so also the first resistor 10 K and resistor second end amplifier driver 330 Ohm at the Last driver.

Then I replace all of the transformer, capacitor, resistor becomes:
  1. Transformer be 10 ampere 47 volt CT of 24 volt 5 ampere CT
  2. SRS resistor 82 R 3 pieces of 330 Ohm
  3. Resistor 56 K 1 Fruit of the previous resistor 10 K
  4. Filter capacitors 4 pieces 10000 nf 80 volt capacitors 35 volt previous 4300 nf
  5. Below is the image component in PCB are replaced:
Power amplifier, a modified stereo to mono 300 watts to 600 watts

The latter is wired jumper at the bottom of the PCB power this amp, as a link in order to four transistors to the right to work and to raise output of power this amp. because kit to the right of the driver is not in use anymore, that they use only the final transistors only. Note the picture below:

Power amplifier, a modified stereo to mono 300 watts to 600 watts

Here below the video modification or upgrade from 300 watts to 600 watt, welcome to watch and hopefully useful:

Only this I can for the friend - a friend of the reader all about the power amplifier, a modified stereo to mono 300 watts 600 watts easily - hopefully helpful for you, and also for everyone. Do not also forget to share this article on the -personal friend near you via fb, twit much more. Stay tuned for the next article also more interesting.


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