S P C E.com : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings ! saifulcomelektronik.com loyal readers wherever they are, what is said in this occasion ? presumably healthy hearty and no one any less at the mercy gods gave it to a loyal reader saifulcomelektronik.com all. Well, in this occasion I will share to you all Replacing the fluorescent lamp filament is broken up with a ferrite coil
The avid reader of all, of course, we are not familiar with energy-saving lamps or fluorescent light, surely many of us encounter all around us and can not be separated again from our daily lives - today.
As the development of technology nowadays, then technology fluorescent lamps also developed, unlike fluorescent lamps earlier. Well, the physical form of fluorescent light different now - difference and unique, nothing like TORNADO, shaped U and much more. As the example below fluorescent light that is familiar in our lives.
Rays from fluorescent lamps is compared to an incandescent bulb, the fluorescent lights will be brighter than the incandescent lamp, proportionate 23 watt fluorescent bulbs are brighter than incandescent lamps of 100 watts. Even more efficient fluorescent lamps her electricity consume 80% of the ordinary lamps, namely incandescent lamps.
However the energy saving fluorescent light bulbs are also not spared from damage, the neon lights there are two parts, the first part is a neon tube itself, and the second contained component in the casing of the fluorescent lamp.
Damage often occurs in fluorescent lights are the component parts, and the fluorescent light tube itself. Damage to the tube filaments normally contained in the fluorescent light tube is broken, if one pole filament in the fluorescent lamps are broken certainly will not be able to live longer.
How to replace dropouts filament
Well, in this occasion I will give you tips on how to replace the fluorescent lamp filaments are breaking them. Want to know how? quite simple and easy way, just replace the filament broke with ferrite coil, you are curious as to what the ferrite coil? See the picture below.
Make a coil as shown above is very easy, we can pick it up on the used components are also fluorescent lamps, these components are typically windings as shown above.
Then after that, connect the ferrite coil to a fluorescent lamp filaments are breaking them. to find out filaments that break up, use multitester, attach the two wires on multi black and red wire to the pole filament contained in itself.
What if the needle meter moves shows resistance value About a 8 Ω (Ohm) means filament in the fluorescent light is still good, what if the opposite would mean a filament in the fluorescent lamps are broken.
Well, what if already in the know filaments that break up, then coil ferrite already in Who are last will be used as a filament replace who have dropped out of it, so the neon lights came back to life. How to replace look at the picture below.
Thus, after the ferrite coil in connecting to one pole filament break, with solder, the neon lights were already dead, will light (life) back as usual. As the picture below.
To be more complete I have prepared the video below, about how Replacing fluorescent lamp filament is broken up with a ferrite coil lasted about 11 minutes. congratulations and hopefully useful to watch what is in this video.
Up here before I can sharing on how Replacing the fluorescent lamp filament is broken up with a ferrite coil, may be useful for you and beneficial also for everyone. Stay tuned for the next article more interesting on the web just this simple blog www.saifulcomelektronik.com
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