S P C E.com : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings !
Saifulcomelektronik.com faithful readers, have you ever experienced webmaster
DNS errors on your own? and do you know how to resolve DNS errors on the
Errors on what webmasters
often occurs when the domain providers make improvements or errors occur on
their own servers, in a long time. so that google webmaster can not find our
domain DNS server. Hence, in the opening at the beginning - the beginning webmaster
page, you'll see a warning that the problematic DNS domain of our website.
Usually these DNS error marked with a cross (X) in the webmaster.
The picture above is a picture
of DNS servers normal circumstances there was no trouble. My previous
experience, because I too have experienced the webmaster DNS error event like
this. And finally I found a way to overcome DNS errors on the google webmaster.
Want to know how? see more of this article until the end ....
Well, If there is a DNS error
like this, would be problematic on our own website traffic, due to the google
webmaster can not read our website domain DNS server.
We as bloggers who already
purchased a custom domain, no longer using blogger.com at the end of the name
of our blog or website, will certainly experience this, in because the by company
providing these domains may have problems or else there is an improvement on
their servers.
How to resolve errors in
Webmaster Google DNS server
1. First thing to do is, first
contact the domain provider server from which you bought the domain, and ask
them to its operator DNS issues.
2. If DOMAIN SERVER has been
normal, but in the webmaster tool DNS server is still showing the error. The
fix is we have to verify a website we return to the webmaster.
3. First >>> Log in
to Webmaster Tools Dashboard >>> >>> Then To Click Wheel
TEETH located to the right of the dashboard and then select Details
>>> Verification. It will show the image below:
4. After performing the
Webmaster Center, click HTML Tag ◌ ● >>> >>> then copies the
code above the <head> in the template of your blog / website.
5. Login to your Blogspot
>>> >>> template HTML as shown below:
To speed up or facilitate the
search code <head> in HTML template press CTRL + F >> <<
after finding the code <head> Copy webmaster tool verification code and
paste it above the <head> then click Save Template.
Then back to the third point
above, then click >>>> >>>> Verification after you
click Verification image will then appear as shown below:
Look at the picture above if
you successfully verified the webmaster tool, if successful you please wait for
1 to 3 days and then reopen your webmaster tools? I'm trying to work, ... .DNS
server my website is back to normal with the loss mark (X) Become (√). good
Thereby out these simple tips
can I sharing to you all, may be useful for you and also for everyone How to
resolve DNS server error in google webmaster tools. If anything is missing in
this article please you add or ask, hover over the comment field that has been
in provide in this simple web blog. Stay tuned for tips and tricks also more
interesting next
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