S P C E.com : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings !
saifulcomelektronik.com loyal readers already two days I did not update my
website which is simple, to accompany all the loyal readers. Well, in this
occasion I try to share again for you all that is unique about the tips that
fluorescent lights in your house durable and long lasting.
Initially I just try to - try
to do this simple experiment, and eventually fluorescent lamps is very long
lifespan of 8000 hours to 9000 hours. saving fluorescent lamp life is up to 5%
according to my own estimates. You want to know how? ....
The trick is quite simple and
simple, just read a little spells - spells J, if you do not know about
exorcists – her spell ? please read more articles of this one unique tips that
fluorescent lights in your house durable and long lasting Ala
Charms - her spell was enough
to punch the casing on fluorescent lights, as shown above. Surely you ever
wondered why the punch can escalate the fluorescent lamp life? I explain a
little bit, hopefully what I described can be understood by all of you loyal
readers saifulcomelektronik.com
Punch casing in fluorescent
lights can dissipate heat from the inside of the casing so excessive heat on
components inside the lamp is wasted by cold air coming in, and these
components will last longer. This means that the fluorescent lamp will last
longer than usual from 8000 hours to 9000 hours.
Made in the factory, the
chassis on fluorescent lights are not a pit like the picture above, as a result
of heat inside the lamp casing is not flushed out, so the air inside the casing
fluorescent lamp itself is limited, resulting in rapid deterioration of
Material - material that is
required in this experiment
- Screwdriver (-)
- Drill
- Solder electricity
- Tin / Tenol
The execution order
fluorescent light durable and lasting
- Prepare a single fluorescent light
- Open the fluorescent light using a screwdriver mines that have been prepared beforehand
- After the open, Disconnect PLN is in the casing, of PCB component soldering using fluorescent lamps that have been prepared.
- Punch a hole through the neon lamp casing as shown above, using a drill which is already in Who are the previous.
- Connect the cables PLN back to the PCB on the fluorescent lamp components
- Close the back casing fluorescent lamps
- Finish
Easy is not a way to neon
lights in your house durable and lasting? you can do it yourself in your home,
good luck ....
Thus sharing first time this
unique tips that fluorescent lights in your house durable and long lasting
these tips may be useful for you and beneficial also for everyone. And do not
forget to also thank you for visiting my web blog is simple, look forward to
the next also unique tips just in www.saifulcomelektronik.com
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