S P C E.com: Hallo friend to all !!! Well sure all colleagues already know the name of the battery charger? I was regarded colleagues already know what a charger? ...
Neither will I sharing about how to make a simple 12-volt battery charger for motorcycles. Often we experience when we press the start button on motorcycle noise of the armature move does not sound like the usual. What if the voice heard dynamo move means on a motorcycle battery current is already reduced.
As a result of reduced battery current is caused by many things, first the bad electricity on motorcycles lead motorcycle battery current is reduced, forgot to turn off the ignition on motorcycles, the number of accessories that is added in motorcycle resulted motorcycle batteries become depleted. Of course, the motorcycle will not be in the starter again when the motorcycle will be used again.
Okay friend of all of the events in the story above, a motorcycle battery often experience reduced flows because a lot of things. forgot to turn off the ignition on motorcycles, poor electricity on the motorcycle and the number of accessories that add on a motorcycle.
Well now how to make a simple battery charger to address the above problems we often experience.
The materials needed to make a simple battery charger for motorcycles, namely: 1. transformers (Transformer) 2. Diode 3. Cable taste
After the ingredients to make a simple battery charger has complete. now we continue process assembly. Support tools solder assembly process in the form of electricity and also tin solder. The following picture electrical solder and tin solder below:
The assembly process step by step please see the video below is how to make a simple battery charger motorcycle:
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