Healthy snacks for children "YELLOW PUMPKIN PUDDING" fit for release thirst

S P C : Greetings to all the readers, in this article I share my little experience for the child and fruit snacks our hearts, especially to housewives or prospective housewives. we see a lot of snacks out there or on the market in the form and color invite taste our tastes, but we do not yet know whether the materials are in use materials that contain many chemicals are not good in consumption by our bodies such as borax, formalin if consumption in the the longer term will damage organ organ of our body, especially when for the baby we have to be super careful.

Healthy snacks for children "YELLOW PUMPKIN PUDDING" fit for release thirst

Snacks that I would write this article, the material is not too difficult and many have encountered in traditional markets and also safe in our pockets is "YELLOW PUMPKIN PUDDING". These gourds his form is not very attractive but the fruit is processed snacks made me much healthier for my child at home that was certainly clean and hygienic as compote, timpan, bingkang roasted pumpkin, pudding, fried foods and more. This was the materials that need to be right to make punding for baby

  • One piece of pumpkin
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • 200 grams sugar
  • 2 packets of gelatin powder
  • 4 cups coconut milk (+ 800 c)

How to make :
  1. Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds. -small and cut a small pumpkin and then rinsed and drained, after the pumpkin really - really clean.
  2. Enter into the skillet stew boiled pumpkin with water not too much until tender for about 10 minutes if not tender stew minutes can in while stirring until dissolved.
  3. Pour the flour that - that powder into 4 glasses of milk and 200 grams of sugar in another bowl stir until dissolved.
  4. After a late mix into the pumpkin was still in the mix to a boil and pour into the prints of let it cool, make it more enjoyable when served, save first in a refrigerator.

Author: Hermayani


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