Menu Cuisine Culinary Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT mujahir Ala Cash Aceh

S P C Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings! O readers S P C dear, in this occasion I will try to share for the readers, which is about the Culinary Cuisine Menu Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT mujahir Ala Cash Aceh. This cuisine is the cuisine of my wife and myself J, ingredient of this dish is very easy to find on the market - traditional markets. Surely, the mother - the mother asked what the face of Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT mujahir? Below there, ...

Menu Cuisine Culinary Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT mujahir Ala Cash Aceh

Surely you are the mother - a housewife curious about any kind of material - material from the image above PLIEK'EUNGKEUT Gule cuisine cash Aceh. Do worry table ingredients - the ingredients are listed below.


Fresh fish mujahir : 500 gr                              Energy : 602 cal
Green chili : 5 pcs                                             Protein : 21.3 g
Coconut : 150 gr                                               Carbohydrate : 55.6 g
Red chili : 2 pcs                                                 Fat : 37,9mg
Red onion : 3 sg                                                vitamin A : 8112 RE
Cayenne pepper : 4 pcs                                   vitamin B1 : 0.5 mg
Garlic : ½ sg                                                       Vitamin C : 193 mg
Turmeric : ½ rs                                                  Calcium : 367 mg
Coriander : ½ tsp                                              Iron : 10.8 mg
PLIK ue : 25 gr                                                   Phosphor : 2077 mg
Sere : 2 stalk                                                      Ginger : ½ rs
Salt to taste


All the ingredients in washing except PLIKs, and all the condiments was finely milled, except sere in Chop finely. Coconut in coconut milk wring .Enter seasoning has been fine earlier into the coconut milk that has been in the press. cook coconut milk was over medium heat while in stir until boiling until boiling wafted. after fragrance input and sere mujahir fish and salt to taste, let seasoning permeate. then serve them hot.

Thus first menu Cuisine Culinary Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT Ala Cash Aceh mujahir this may be useful for the mother - a housewife, let alone create new ones settle down, I think there is no harm if kalu want to try cooking this one Gule PLIEK'EUNGKEUT mujahir for in presented to serve the husband's mother - the mother of all who want to try this cuisine. Well, Look forward to the next menu homemade dishes my wife and myself just in this simple website.


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