Menu Culinary Cuisine FRIED RICE rendang My husband passions

S P C : Hello readers all meet again with my new writer on this website S P C (, here I try to share a little bit - a little bit of experience. You certainly recognize and know the cuisine that comes from the province WEST SUMATRA beef in the given spices and coconut milk are "rendang". Usually the celebration of Islam or the party this dish definitely always there. Well what if in our house a lot left rendang after the event? whether it should always be heated many times? or in the exhaust?

Menu Culinary Cuisine FRIED RICE rendang My husband passions

Here I try to give a solution, namely "FRIED RICE rendang" fried rice is my husband's favorite food SPC owner of this website, and then my creation for breakfast this rendang children and my family and also suitable to be made in the provision of children to school, the material is not too hard, all of us in the kitchen

The material

  • Two plates of white rice
  • A plate rending already in small maze
  • Two tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oil for sauteing
  • And salt to taste
  • Softened seasoning:
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 5 red chilies
  • complementary seasonings
  • Tomatoes in thin slices into 3 parts
  • fried Onion
  • crackers

How to cook:

Saute seasoning that has been pulverized until fragrant, then enter the maze rendang that has been in salt soy sauce and stir until merges with herbs. Then enter the rice mix well for 5 minutes, then give its complementary spices, serve it hot
If rendang still left in the house, you can leave them with a thin layer slicing his


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