Phase 5 (five) to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

S P C : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings ! dear loyal readers, in this occasion I will try to discuss on how to remove (uninstall) application is stubborn (can not be removed through the Control Panel >> Programs and Features).

Well, for those of you who do not know how to remove stubborn applications is certainly confusion, To be able to remove the errant application from the Programs And Features. You do not have confused, to remove (uninstall) the recalcitrant application, I have prepared a Stage 5 tips to uninstall stubborn applications (can not be removed) you just follow the following way.

You need to remember that this tip only applies to the Windows OS only, not valid on Linux OS, Mac OS and others.

Stage 5 Tips to uninstall stubborn applications (can not be deleted) that I mentioned is very easy and simple enough, the first stage and that should be done is regedit errant application from the windows os system. Follow the following way:

Ways and stages - stages:

1. Click RUN >>>
2. Type regedit in the run column, more details as shown below:

Phase 5 to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

3. Click OK or yes, then the next stage will show the image like below.

Phase 5 to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

4. Click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE what if you want to remove the errant applications, click SOFTWARE it will look like the image below.

Phase 5 to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

5. In this SOFTWARE you find the app please recalcitrant (hard delete through Programs and Features) and then right click on the application example as shown below.

Phase 5 to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

6. Then click >>> DELETE then click YES to delete errant application from the Programs and Features as shown below.

Phase 5 to uninstall stubborn applications (not removable)

7. DONE. after clicking YES please restart the computer and open the uninstall program does errant application is already lost or not yet on Programs and Features. Good luck, but I am trying to use Windows 8 OS.

Up here the first tips this time is about 5 Stage errant application to uninstall (can not be removed) from the Programs and Features hopefully this article useful for you and beneficial also for everyone. Look forward also tips - tips the next more interesting just at my website which is simple


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