Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

S P C - Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings! Good morning dear readers? Well, then on the times S P C will share to you all especially for loyal readers (S P C Namely Tips How to cope with your PC or laptop DRIVER lost. Of course, for you are an active playing computer and arrived - arrived to your computer system disorder caused by a VIRUS -virus computer.

Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

Of course, your computer must reinstall, Well, if your computer had to reinstall, from the beginning, you should first prepare DRIVER computer itself. What If the drivers is not there or has been lost? If a new computer usually been provided default driver of the computer itself. Well, if your computer driver is not there or is lost, you do not need to calm panic, this time I will give you tips for your computer DRIVER can be found back in. With the help of Devid Agent, ...

Devid is a website in the world that holds a variety of driver software in the website. We can download the drivers for the desktop PC, laptop or other device without a hitch. Devid is the basis of your personal data from all drivers. Well, for those of you who have lost your computer any drivers that kind of drivers, you can use the help of this Devid, to visit the website Click Want to know how? more follow below ...

1. First of all you get to the Device Manager << >> on your computer. Note the picture below.

Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

2. Furthermore, after the open page Alert device manager as shown above, then locate the driver marked (!) Better. That is marked with exclamation is the driver unread by computer. Then right-click the exclamation marked, then Look at the picture below ... ..

Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

3. Then click the Properties <<< >> it will show a notification image as shown below
 Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

4. Click the Details >> << To display Unique code of Driver unread by the computer, if you are using Windows OS 8/7 and if you are using the Windows XP OS you do not have to do this, because in XP will instantly appear the unique code , Well, after finding the union code, open your browser and open the page after open the driver a unique code input into the navigation column. Then click START >> << Note the picture below, ...

5. Then click the appropriate drivers with the one you are looking for, it will show a picture like the picture below, for the downloading process tan.

Tips on How to cope DRIVER laptops and PCs are missing, ( solution)

6. Well, the last to download the file please click fila you that I give the red box in Figure Devid it. there are two options up to you choose which one original or file Driver only. Done ....

Similarly, first can I sharing on this occasion DRIVER Tips How to overcome your laptop and PC is lost, Devid hopefully this article can help you and beneficial for you. Stay tuned for the next article also more interesting, if something is missing in this article you can add or ask in the comments field on this website.


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