S P C E.com : Indonesia does
have a million attraction for local and foreign tourists. One is a tradition to
dress up the bodies that have been buried a long time to be cleaned and changed
his clothes.
The inhabitants of Toraja have
great respect for the bodies of their relatives who had died. At least every
year they would do this to the bodies of his ancestors.
Tradition Ma'nene Changing
Clothes corpse in Toraja
The beginning of the story
there is a hunter named Pong Rumasek. When he was hunting in the woods he found
the body of someone who has become bones. Being compassionate, he then wraps
the body of the clothes he was wearing. After putting in a safe place and then
he went on the hunt. Not unexpectedly since then he gets a lot of hunting and
harvest the results even more quickly and more. So from that moment appeared
Ma'nene tradition to venerate the remains of their ancestors.
In these rituals, the body of
the dead are removed again from the place. Later, the bodies are repacked with
new fabric sheets by each of his children and grandchildren. The bodies of
their ancestors are usually stored in caves and left alone without
preservatives. When will be replaced clothes, special rituals will be performed
so that the bodies could walk home alone.
Furthermore, the family work
together to clean up the bodies of their fathers. There were combing the hair,
facial cleaning, and replacing clothes. Once this is done, then the corpse
would walk back into the cave and back to the starting position. Well, yes also
unique and creepy this ceremony. What do you think?
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