How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

S P C Assalamualaikum wr wb loyal reader wherever located, do you have a motorcycle that has a liquid coolant aka radiator as cooling the machine? if yes, of course you will experience the overhead of the vario machine with the red flag indicator indicates the life of the red indicator located on the speedometer.

How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

Vario 125 Motorcycle I Overhead

Some days this motorcycle vario 125 I experienced the name of overhead alias the engine overheated marked with a temperature indicator of the engine life on the speedometer, but I just fill the water coolant to the radiator and reserve tank under the seat alias the motor seat itself.

After I finished filling the water coolant into the radiator in a predetermined way how to properly fill the radiator water, which I was looking for on the internet. Then I tried to bring my motorcycle bike in and around seputaran city where I live. Well, and after a few minutes my motorbike took the road, about 15 minutes the temperature indicator lights back on when I just filled the original AHM water coolant honda.

Then I stopped checking to see the machineries, especially the radiator, rubber hoses and pump radiator is there a leak? no one leaked but smell the water coolant. I open the seat to check the water coolant that is there because the engine I do not boo, at the time I tried to open the rubber tank cover water reservoir coolant radiator is hot. I open the lid the water coolant overflows from the water is too hot. What is the problem ? at that time I do not know yet, ....

What Causes The Vario 125 Overhead Machine

The overhead of the vario 125 engine is caused by the lack of circulation or water coolant in the engine itself, so that the engine becomes very hot, the heat of the radiator water to boil.

The cause of overhead in the damaged component of the cooling system that is in the engine vario 125, The damage to the components that result in Overhead engine is a component Thermostat as we know that the thermostar serves as the regulator of the speed of water coolant from the radiator of the machine.

The workings of the thermostat if the motor has been run a few kilo meters so the engine becomes 80 ° heat and the thermostat also becomes hot then the thermostat will open by itself to multiply the water coolant from the radiator to the engine.

If the thermostat is damaged even if the engine heat has reached 80 ° peston the cover inside the thermostat will not open so it can not multiply the water coolant from the radiator to the engine therefore it becomes overhead.

How To Fix The Corrupted Thermostat Without Should Be Changing

The loyal readers of S P C, these days I am experimenting on my motorcycle on how to fix my vario 125 engine always overhead if it is taken a way. After I found this way then my motorcycle engine normal kembli ie tampa overhead again.

The way I do in overhead riding on my vario 125 motorcycle is I break the peston cover on a brass copper thermostat with a hand drill,

How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

The burglary process I do slowly to get the results that I want, even I do peston this piercing is long enough that one day with a tool that is sober. the result there is a picture below, it is still less but it can be passed by water coolant smoothly;

How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

Tools needed to break into the peston thermostat

Tools we need in peston thermostat piercing is quite simple and widely sold in the market.

  1. Electric drill / Electric drill Seat
  2. Drill 2.5 mm
  3. Drill 3.5 mm
  4. And 5 mm drill

Peston Thermostat Crashing Process

  • For the peston thermostat piercing drilling process easier and easier to control the drill, you should use a drill sitting so that when drilling peston does not shift, but I do it with a hand drill hence the old workmanship.
  • The better drilling process begins with the smaller drill bit which is the drill bit we have prepared from the beginning of the drill 2.5, after the peston is punctured by a new 2.5 drill bit in proceed with 3.5 and 5 mm drill bit and so on.
  • Drilling process should be careful not to get home or pelholic thermostat also participate drilled, if it happens of course thermostat can not be used anymore in because it has leaked, if leak to let alone in pakek. The point of drilling is not to penetrate into the pelastik or home thermostat.

Charging radiator water to vario 125 properly

If the drilling process has been completed with installation of water pump, thermostat and radiator to the vario 125 engine, then the process of filling the water coolant to the radiator in the right way.

  • Turn on the machine, but must be sure first all the supporters of existing cooling system is installed, such as the radiator cover is located under the radiator and hoses are installed all.

How to Overcome Overhead (Flow) Vario 125 Helmet Helmet CBS

  • After the machine live pour water coolant ahm into the radiator slowly until full to the neck radiator.
  • Then turn off the engine for a while, see if the water coolant is reduced? if it decreases add again, then turn on the machine again briefly then turn it off again, after not decreasing again means the water coolant is full from msein to the radiator.
  • Next turn the machine back on, pull the gas lever slowly and look at the radiator mouth does the water run? if running means the circulation of water coolant inside the engine running normally.
  • Close the radiator with the cover, then fill the coolant reservoir tank until level up lid back up the backup tank.
  • Lastly, please test your vario 125 motorcycle take the road as far as possible, whether still mengabami overhead or not? Hopefully not and Good luck, ....


Good friend of reader S P C so that I can share in this opportunity I hope this article can be useful for you and for everyone. If you feel helpful please share this article to your social media with a button that has been provided. See you soon again with my next article, ..... regards, ......


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