Fluorescent lamps total dead back to life with a 3 volt stun mosquitoes

S P C : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings, Did a friend - a friend of neon lights dead can live again with a bit of reading incantations (mmmmbbbbeeeeerrrr) okay life neon lights neon lights J previously has been totally dead.

Fluorescent lamps total dead back to life with a 3 volt stun mosquitoes

The emergence of this idea just cashed fun - fun just, happened at my place there is a single mosquito swatter, and friends - friends know own right what if we turn on strum mosquitoes by pressing the button and in the plug with a wire or screwdriver will inflict sparks very large, whereas only 3 volt power source only. Then I tried to measure tension on the mosquito strum using multitester I had, as a result was not able to be measured because of the ability of the measuring instrument exceeds multitester me, I can only measure multitester tension 700 volts only.

Well, according to my estimates tension that produced by the mosquito racket of 2000 volts DC, why do I know though not measure it? Well, I see from Ceramic capacitors are tension written its impedance 2000 volt J !! hopefully correct estimate yes my dear friend - friends. If it was not really not what hehehehe yeah, okay I love little scheme tension MULTIPLITOR plant in height below:

Fluorescent lamps total dead back to life with a 3 volt stun mosquitoes

Good friends loyal readers what if you want to try this project at home, the material that is required is:
  1. Neon lights dead total
  2. Racket shock mosquito (new nicer, the former is not what is important in life and still be nice.
  3. Cable
  4. Battery
  5. Screwdriver
  6. Solder and tin

The assembly process:

After to 6 points above the already complete, the first stage in doing is:
  1. Open the cover of fluorescent lamps by using a screwdriver, remove the existing components in it but the wire connected to the neon should be intact, should not be broken (be careful when opening the lid partner had broken)
  2. Open the mosquito swatter already in provide with a screwdriver, and download electronic components alone.
  3. Install enough cable to Output and also inputs
  4. After soldering wires to the input and also Output mosquito swatter, and to connect the cable to the wire output fluorescent lamps A and B. more details see the picture below:
  5. For input cables, connect to Battery 3 volts, the positive cable to the positive pin strum the mosquito swatter, and vice versa negative cable to the negative pin.
  6. After all the wires are connected, plug Battery to strum mosquito swatter, and push the button, the neon lights will light up.
Fluorescent lamps total dead back to life with a 3 volt stun mosquitoes

Easy, right? turn on the neon lights dead in total with the help of a shock mosquito swatter. good luck !!!,….

Up here first about neon lights total dead back to life with mosquito racket 3 volt shock to me to make friends and also hopefully helpful for everyone. forward also another article more interesting. What if you liked this article please share it with your friends. And do not forget I also thank you for visiting this web simple.


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