Easily Assemble Electronic circuit with proteus 8 professional software program

S P C : Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings, loyal readers or my frequent short S P C in the morning the opportunity this time, I again tried to review a software program on the computer that created by the experts namely Proteus 8 professionals. This application is that it can be utilized to construct an electronic device in it, then the circuit can be tested after the electronic components which we bundle into one. Curious as to what the face of the Proteus ? Below please you see this picture, ...

Proteus propesional 8 is different from the application or other electronics such as computer programs, deptrace and still there is more. I also know the new Proteus few days directly fall in love, it was not until months or years I knew with a special electronic program computer this one.

Proteus puncture is very cool, we can make the circuit, after a series of schemes that we make or we want can create with these proteus. and the excess is after we managed to assemble the components - components on page proteus after that we could turn our series that has been ready the raft in proteus, whether the circuit we raft function or not.

Later in this one application we can find components - electronic components complete with the type and resistance that we want, but if we never use computer applications such electronic deptreck and then we use Proteus is of course we are a little stiff, but it was only some time I think we are now able to use this proteus. Then after understanding, we become more like this application.

You can see the video below which Assemble circuit Joule Voltage with Proteus, Video is the result of my first experience using the program Proteus 8 propesional, but do not be surprised by the video below with a lot of mistakes - mistakes I use proteus, please understandable I also still studying and learning.

Similarly, first can I sharing at this occasion I hope the article titled Easy to Assemble Electronic circuit with proteus 8 professional software program can be useful for you loyal readers S P C! Regards, ...


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